[[videos:022:notes|{{ videos:022:thumbnail.jpg }}]]
**[[videos:022:notes|022 - Nix-powered Docker Images]]**
Building Docker images using the Nix package management system.
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**[[videos:021:notes|021 - Getting Started with Nix]]**
Introduction to the world of Nix - a unique and powerful package manager powered by a functional programming language.
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**[[videos:020:notes|020 - LKV373 Project Update - Building IT9919 Software with GCC]]**
Reviewing the latest project developments, and experiments compiling software for the IT9919 with GCC.
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**[[videos:019:notes|019 - IT9919 Hacking - part 4 - Diving into the boot-ROM]]**
Investigating the booting mechanism to try and uncover the mystery of the SMAZ compressions scheme and checksum.
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**[[videos:018:notes|018 - IT9919 Hacking - part 3 - Hacking Upgrade Files]]**
Digging deeper into the IT9919 upgrade files.
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**[[videos:017:notes|017 - IT9919 Hacking - part 2 - Hunting for Checksums]]**
Building a larger hardware hacking rig, and experiments with the upgrade files.
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**[[videos:016:notes|016 - IT9919 Hacking - part 1 - Reading firmware with flashrom]]**
Tools and techniques for reading and writing to flash chips with the flashrom open-source flash-reader software and the "Blue Pill" STM32F103 board.
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**[[videos:015:notes|015 - Eakins HDMI Camera & Microscope]]**
Review and experiments with the Eakins HDMI Microscope Kit, and various C-Mount lenses.
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**[[videos:014:notes|014 - IcoBoard Software Defined Radio Project - Hardware]]**
Hardware design and construction of a Software Defined Radio project powered by the IcoBoard.
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**[[videos:013:notes|013 - The IcoBoard and Open Source FPGA Synthesis]]**
Experiments with Open Source FPGA synthesis with the IceStorm tool-chain and the IcoBoard.
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**[[videos:012:notes|012 - EZCAP 283S HDMI Capture Box - Review, Teardown and Experiments]]**
Teardown and experiments with EZCAP 283S video capture device for HDMI and analog video inputs.
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**[[videos:011:notes|011 - USB Debugging with sigrok]]**
Advanced USB packet capture with logic analyzers and sigrok.
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**[[videos:010:notes|010 - Anet E10 3D Printer Assembly and Initial Impressions]]**
Initial assembly, review and testing of the brand new Anet E10 3D Printer. Is it a Creality CR-10 beater?
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**[[videos:009:notes|009 - DSLogic Logic Analyzer Review and Teardown]]**
Review, teardown and experiments with the DSLogic Plus 400Msps 16-channel logic analyzer.
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**[[videos:008:notes|008 - Prototype Enclosures with FreeCAD & OpenSCAD]]**
Introduction to 3D Modelling in FreeCAD and OpenSCAD for designing 3D printed mountings for prototype electronics.
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**[[videos:007:notes|007 - Anet A8 3D Printer]]**
Review, assembly and experiments with the Anet A8 sub-$200 3D Printer.
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**[[videos:006:notes|006 - IBQ102 2.6GHz Frequency Counter]]**
Review, tear-down and experiments with the IBQ102 Frequency Counter.
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**[[videos:005:notes|005 - 4.4GHz RF Synthesizer - ADF4351 - Theory, Setup, Reverse Engineering, Experiments]]**
The ADF4351 is an RF frequency synthesizer capable of producing tones from 37MHz to 4.4GHz. But how well does it perform? and can it work with open source software?
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**[[videos:004:notes|004 - Messing with the CHIP $9 computer, and PocketCHIP]]**
Review and experiments with the CHIP $9 mini-computer, and the PocketCHIP plug-in for the CHIP that makes it into a mobile computing device.
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**[[videos:003:notes|003 - LKV373A: a $40 HDMI capture solution?]]**
The Lenkeng LKV373A is a $40 HDMI-over-IP network sender used for sending video over a network to a remove TV, but can it be used instead as a cheap video capture device?
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**[[videos:002:notes|002 - Testing the Linux Kernel driver for the Lattice iCE40 FPGA]]**
Demonstration and testing of the new Linux Kernel driver for the Lattice iCE40 FPGA with sigrok, including an introduction to device-tree and driver development.
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**[[videos:001:notes|001 - Sigrok and Logic Analyzers]]**
Introduction and experiments with low-cost logic analysers and the sigrok software suite.